Our Services

Virtual Physiotherapy

We have a fantastic new online physio service to reach you when it is not possible to come to us. We utilise online video calls to deliver a comprehensive assessment to enable us to diagnose your condition and treat your pain and injury.

How does it work?

We will arrange with you prior to the call which platform will be used. This may be Skype, Zoom, or Facetime.

During your call you will be asked to share with us a history of your condition as well as information about your general health and lifestyle. We will then carry out a physical assessment to look at how you are moving and what makes your symptoms better or worse.

Once we have carried out this assessment, we can utilise the information we have collected to diagnose your condition, create an individually tailored treatment programme that you can carry out at home, as well as offer advice and education about your condition.

virtual therapy service

Your Treatment Plan

Your treatment plan will be designed specifically for your needs, taking into account your current / previous level of function, your diagnosis, your goals and your level of pain. It will consist of a home exercise programme to help you regain normal function and reduce your symptoms.

Where appropriate you will be given strategies to manage your symptoms at home. These may include using heat/cold packs, pain relieving creams/gels, stretches and mobility exercises, in addition to advice around pacing and modifying your day to day activities.

What happens next?

We will then arrange follow up appointments to see how your recovery is going, ensure you are happy with your treatment plan, and progress it where possible to provide you with a speedy recovery. We will support you all the way through your recovery and will then help you maintain good health and fitness.

Do you have Insurance?

We are also registered with most major insurance providers including Axa, Vitality, WPA, Aviva, and Cigna. Not on the list? your insurance may still be valid, so please let us know who you are registered with.

Home Visits

If you cannot reach us at our clinic, we can provide you with home visits in and around the Chelmsford area.

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